I've always had a love for anything that's a bit retro. Before vinyls were really making a comeback (and before I actually owned a record player) I had the beginnings of a little collection growing from the odd finds at charity shops and vintage markets. Another thing that I've missed in this digital age is VHS. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Netflix and Disney+ but there's still something so heartwarming of a good old video tape. That and the art work is usually pretty cool too. So I decided to start up another little hobby... Can you call it a hobby? I don't know. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to start collecting some of my old favourite horror films on good old fashioned VHS. Terrible grainy quality, warts and all. This is my first post showing what I've managed to track down so far mainly from eBay (a godsend if you find some good cheap deals) and charity shops.
- j
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