What did I tell you? These posts may be a little sporadic and this month’s pretty much proved that. I have been meaning to post but in all honesty, February was a constant up and down both health wise and mentally that I decided to try not to worry about not posting much and focus a little bit more on myself.
I guess probably the most important thing to update you all on is the usual ongoing health issues. Living with a chronic issue is never really easy but touch wood I think I’ve finally found the right combinations of medicines that work for me. Touch wood! I’m really hoping I’ve not just jinxed this and fucked it all up.
After a disgustingly awful month and a half of my stomach having a complete mind of it’s own and unable to pretty much retain anything (I’ll save you all the gory details) I’ve found that cutting one of the main tablets I’m on down by half has (again touch wood) pretty much knocked that problem on the head for now. Of course it doesn’t do much about the whole host of other complications but it’s certainly a start.
I also had to have another Hydrogen Breath Test. Perhaps the most mundane and dull test in the world but at least it didn’t involve any canulas so I’d take that over anything any day. As suspected there’s still a rather high level of bacteria in my small and large intestines so I’ve been back on the antibiotics to try and help with that but apparently it’s a pretty much ‘chicken and the egg’ scenario. As my stomach isn’t functioning or even working properly it’s in a constant state of creating harmful bacteria (apparently), so it’s mostly just a case of constant monitoring and seeing how we go.
I’ve also just had my first root canal thanks to some bad fillings done by my old dentist. It wasn’t the nicest experience in the world but now I’ve switched to a new practise and dentist (who’s incredibly lovely by the way) it wasn’t as bad as I’d worried. You always hear so many horror stories but touch wood I think it’s really helped. Thank god!
Health issues aside, life seems to be going okay right now. Again, all touch wood and everything. I’ve got quite a few blog posts in mind and semi/kinda half drafted… or at least in bullet point form. All I need to do now is properly type them up and get them posted. No matter how much I ramble on and go off topic whilst trying to make them make even the slightest bit of sense.
Tickets for My Chemical Romance are now (finally) in place for June and I can't wait. However, with everything happening around the world right now I’m keeping everything crossed and silently hoping and praying that everything will be on track and go accordingly. It’s just such a shame that so many poor people are falling ill right now. Hopefully there’ll be some breakthrough or vaccine ASAP and everyone affected can start getting better. Roll on a happier, warmer and safer June.
Lastly, I turned 28 which is pretty terrifying to be honest as I swear I only turned 18 last year. Actually amazed at where the years have gone and how that’s happened. Not to sound too much like a hypochondriac or anything. I think with all the complications and issues with my stomach some days I do worry here and there. But yay for my 28th year on earth! It was a pretty quiet day as the weather was absolutely bloody awful. Talk about a rainstorm! But it actually made it really relaxed and just less of a rush. Plus with a bit of a mini flare up in the morning – always typical! It really took the pressure off a bit of having to go out somewhere, find a place I can actually eat and then try and manage to get through a whole meal. In the end we just ordered some really delicious vegan pizza and stayed tucked up at home. Much more cozy and my kind of vibe.
I think that’s it for now. All in all nothing too amazing or exciting to report but please keep an eye on my Instagram for more daily updates, outfit posts and general rabbiting on. Thanks for reading.
I guess probably the most important thing to update you all on is the usual ongoing health issues. Living with a chronic issue is never really easy but touch wood I think I’ve finally found the right combinations of medicines that work for me. Touch wood! I’m really hoping I’ve not just jinxed this and fucked it all up.
After a disgustingly awful month and a half of my stomach having a complete mind of it’s own and unable to pretty much retain anything (I’ll save you all the gory details) I’ve found that cutting one of the main tablets I’m on down by half has (again touch wood) pretty much knocked that problem on the head for now. Of course it doesn’t do much about the whole host of other complications but it’s certainly a start.
I also had to have another Hydrogen Breath Test. Perhaps the most mundane and dull test in the world but at least it didn’t involve any canulas so I’d take that over anything any day. As suspected there’s still a rather high level of bacteria in my small and large intestines so I’ve been back on the antibiotics to try and help with that but apparently it’s a pretty much ‘chicken and the egg’ scenario. As my stomach isn’t functioning or even working properly it’s in a constant state of creating harmful bacteria (apparently), so it’s mostly just a case of constant monitoring and seeing how we go.
I’ve also just had my first root canal thanks to some bad fillings done by my old dentist. It wasn’t the nicest experience in the world but now I’ve switched to a new practise and dentist (who’s incredibly lovely by the way) it wasn’t as bad as I’d worried. You always hear so many horror stories but touch wood I think it’s really helped. Thank god!
Health issues aside, life seems to be going okay right now. Again, all touch wood and everything. I’ve got quite a few blog posts in mind and semi/kinda half drafted… or at least in bullet point form. All I need to do now is properly type them up and get them posted. No matter how much I ramble on and go off topic whilst trying to make them make even the slightest bit of sense.
Tickets for My Chemical Romance are now (finally) in place for June and I can't wait. However, with everything happening around the world right now I’m keeping everything crossed and silently hoping and praying that everything will be on track and go accordingly. It’s just such a shame that so many poor people are falling ill right now. Hopefully there’ll be some breakthrough or vaccine ASAP and everyone affected can start getting better. Roll on a happier, warmer and safer June.
Lastly, I turned 28 which is pretty terrifying to be honest as I swear I only turned 18 last year. Actually amazed at where the years have gone and how that’s happened. Not to sound too much like a hypochondriac or anything. I think with all the complications and issues with my stomach some days I do worry here and there. But yay for my 28th year on earth! It was a pretty quiet day as the weather was absolutely bloody awful. Talk about a rainstorm! But it actually made it really relaxed and just less of a rush. Plus with a bit of a mini flare up in the morning – always typical! It really took the pressure off a bit of having to go out somewhere, find a place I can actually eat and then try and manage to get through a whole meal. In the end we just ordered some really delicious vegan pizza and stayed tucked up at home. Much more cozy and my kind of vibe.
I think that’s it for now. All in all nothing too amazing or exciting to report but please keep an eye on my Instagram for more daily updates, outfit posts and general rabbiting on. Thanks for reading.
— j
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